Adrian Morris and his family from Co. Cavan are dairy farmers – instantly recognisable from their YouTube channel  ifarmwefarm. 

Adrian and with the help of his wife and kids will share the day-to-day running’s of their family farm. They produce content to mix things up so that there’s something for everyone with an interest in Irish farming and Irish life.

What was the pain point that Adrian needed to be solved?

Adrian’s farm is located on a group water scheme, this was a private scheme set up for rural dwellers from local water sources.  Adrian is one of the last on the supply pipeline of his group water scheme. As a result, he has a number of issues mainly water quality and water pressure.  These issues lead to long delays in his wash down operation post milking each morning and evening, particularly as the first thing cows did on their return to the field after milking was to drink more water.

How Carbery Plastic approached the project

Carbery visited Adrians farm to look at the current set and see what could be done.  Adrian had an ideal location for a tank at the end of his milking parlour, that could be fed from 2 downpipes.   Carbery explained the filtering options – choosing the highest spec VF1 from 3P technik.   A concern of Adrians was that he would run out of water during dry periods. Carbery suggested the installation of a RainAid, mains top up valve – which will top up the tank with an alternative supply once the rainwater level drops below a certain level.  On completion of the visit a specification of the tank was agreed before a CAD drawing of the proposed tank was produced for all sides to approve before tank went into production .

You can check out all the action in the YouTube video here.

Outcome for Adrian

Adrian now has a large store of fresh sustainable water direct from his rooftop with a backup supply from his private well.  Ensuring he will never be without water again.  Adrian has been quoted as it being something “he should have done years ago “. The benefits of the tank are that it allows him to have a large volume and pressure for washing, reducing his working time both morning and evening. 

Looking to upgrade your farms water system?

Discover how a rainwater harvesting solution can benefit your farm or business. Contact Carbery Plastics today for a consultation and find the sustainable solution that fits your needs!